


5・20 G7広島サミット反対 国際反戦集会



集会にて全国の被爆者・被爆2世・3世総勢21名が呼びかける「ウクライナ戦争をただちにやめろ!  中国侵略戦争阻止! 世界核戦争を阻止しよう! ヒロシマ・ナガサキの被爆者、被爆2世、3世による共同アピール」が発表され、集会全員の拍手で確認されました。(ページ下部に全文と英語文)

開会挨拶 安芸太田町議会議員 大江厚子さん(実行委員会共同代表)

沖縄・宮古島から 清水早子さん


沖縄大学学生自治会・全学連委員長 赤嶺知晃さん


杉並区議会議員 洞口ともこさん


3・11 反原発福島行動実行委員会共同代表 椎名千恵子さん「福島をなかったことにしようとしている岸田が広島で戦争会議をやることに怒り決起しました。」

自治労広島市労働組合 住廣美智子さん「反核脱原発と非正規職の待遇改善のスローガンをおろし、それに反対した自分を執行委員から外すという攻撃に対して、50名の署名を集めて抗議。この攻撃はG7広島サミットと一体」

ウクライナ戦争をただちにやめろ! 中国侵略戦争阻止!世界核戦争を阻止しよう!



 それは第一に、G7という帝国主義の利益のために、ウクライナ戦争を継続しエスカレートさせるためです。彼らは今、全世界で広がる「ロシアもNATOも手を引け! 戦争をただちにやめろ!」という声を押しつぶし、ウクライナに兵器を送り、戦争資金を送っています。




 彼らは、彼らのウソが暴かれ、怒りのデモで包囲されることを恐れ、日本全国から2万4000 人もの警察官を集め、近隣の学校も保育園も閉鎖し、平和記念公園を立ち入り禁止にし、G7による「広島占領」状態を作り出しました。「平和のための会議」という嘘のキャンペーンを連日のように主要メディアで垂れ流し「サミット反対」の声を封殺することを目論見ました。






被爆者・被爆2世・3世一同 (順不同 敬称略)

【被爆者】 吉原美玲子 下田禮子 城臺美弥子 高木美佐子

【被爆2世】 中島健 壹貫田康博 井上千代 野田次郎 平野綾子 吉川眞理 渡子健

 山田延廣 木原省治 田坂量慈 鄭澄恵 竹中孝子 新田和生 寺山導子

【被爆3世】 鄭伊佐 宮原亮 中島敦史 

 2023 年5 月20 日  核戦争阻止! 5・20ヒロシマ国際反戦集会にて採択

Joint Appeal of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bomb survivors and their second and third generations

The leaders of the G7, who are the very agents of bringing war, poverty, radioactive contamination and global environmental devastation and the promoters of nuclear armament of their countries, refusing to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), are now on a visit to Hiroshima from the day before yesterday and are holding the summit. What is the aim of holding the G7 summit in Hiroshima,the very A-bombed city, which has experienced the first ever nuclear disaster for the humanity.

Firstly, they are intending continuation and escalation of the war in Ukraine for the interest of imperialism. Suppressing the voices of demanding, “Russia and NATO,hands off Ukraine! Stop the war now!”, mounting all over the world, they are sending a large amount of weapons and war funds to Ukraine. They even went so far as to cold-bloodedly declare use of depleted uranium shells for the battle tanks delivered by NATO, which would further contaminate Ukraine with radioactive substances and put the world on a nuclear collision course. Japanese prime minister, Kishida, who recently visited Ukraine and is hosting the G7 summit, aims at military participation in the Ukrainian war through offering lethal weapons.

Secondly, the agenda of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, especially for the U.S. and Japan, is set for the preparation of war of aggression against China. While the countries of the G7 have long dominated the world by their military forces and financial powers, they are now threatening China declaring, We stand strongly against any unilateral change of the status quo, in particular by the use of force, and strengthening the drive for war. The Kishida government, openly abandoning the pacifist Japanese Constitution, has doubled the military budget, claiming to possess enemy base strike capability and is reinforcing military bases in Okinawa, Ryukyu islands, and all over Japan. Thus, the major aim of the G7 Hiroshima Summit is apparently the preparation for the war of aggression on China with Okinawa and South Korea as its sortie bases.

Thirdly, they are gathering in Hiroshima with the purpose of justifying their war under the deceitful words, “the path toward a world without nuclear weapons,”. They shamelessly claim that Russia and China must abandon their nukes and of the G7 countries headed by US should strengthen their nukes further. Hiroshima is going to be utilized as a place of outrageous propaganda for carrying out nuclear war under the name of “abolition of nukes”. Seriously afraid of being exposed their lie and being surrounded by angry demonstrators, they have produced a state of siege—occupation of Hiroshima by the G7—, mobilizing 24,000 police force from all over Japan, closing neighboring schools and kindergartens and forbidding the entry to the Peace Memorial Park. The mass media is used for “a conference for peace” propaganda in order to suppress the furious voices against the summit.

In face of these offensives, we have carried out yesterday two demonstrations with the slogan, “Crush G7 summit, the imperialist nuclear war conference” and succeeded in breaking down their vicious intention. We are continuing our fight-back against the G7 today and tomorrow. We are now faced with an imminent world war, imperialist rivalry over the spheres of influence of the world as an inevitable explosion of the inherent contradictions of imperialism. The impending war is characterized as an antagonism between the G7 countries headed by the U.S., which is slipping down from the pivotal position in the world system, and China as “the largest competitor” of US imperialism and Russia. The world will inevitably be ruined if we leave the actual development under the command of ruling class whatever the course it takes.

We vehemently refuse this road toward the total destruction. Our road is to oppose to the war policy of our own governments, to organize a storm of world-wide anti-war, anti-nuke struggle and to overthrow the existing ruling system, which has no other way for survival than to wage war, by the power of working-class people of the world.

We, the A-bomb survivors, their children and grandchildren, are firmly determined never to allow the repetition of the disasters of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not only for us but for all the people in the world today. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the catastrophic results of Japanese imperialist colonial rule over Asian people and the war of aggression. The Kishida government is engaged in desperate move of military buildup, strengthening of the war coalition and reshaping Japan into a “country capable of war” and utilization of Hiroshima as means to achieve these goals. These outrageous attempts shall never be permitted. With this firm determination, we call on all the working class and people of the whole world to rise up together with us to oppose to the war drive of our own governments!

Workers of the world, unite to prevent world nuclear war!

On behalf of the A-bomb survivors and their second and third generation:

The A-bomb survivors: Mireko Yoshihara, Reiko Shimoda, Miyako Jodai, Misako Takagi

The second generation: Takeshi Nakashima, Yasuhiro Ikkanda, Chiyo Inoue, Jiro Noda, Ayako Hirano, Makoto Yoshikawa, Ken Tonoko, Nobuhiro Yamada, Shoji Kihara, Ryoji Tasaka, Sumie Chong, Takako Takenaka, Kazuo Nitta,Terayama mitiko

The third generation: Isa Chong, Ryo Miyahara, Atsushi Nakashima 

Adopted by International Anti-war Hiroshima Assembly against Nuclear War on May 20