




















・原爆、ヒバクシャを観光資源=金もうけの道具として消費していく市政に対し、怒りや疑問の声が上がるのは当然です! その声をあげる者を条例で排除するような企ては即刻中止して下さい!

























 ビラを更新しました。職場や地域でまきたい方は、 までご連絡ください!!


  The 74th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima



No more Hiroshima,Nagasaki, Bikini, Chernobyl and Fukushima!
Stop revision of the constitution and nuclear war!

Voice Our Anger against Nuke and War from Hiroshima on August 6!
Workers, farmers, students and citizens across the country and the globe,
While in the deepening crisis of capitalism, conflicts of interest between major powers are getting  serious day by day with the US-China trade war on top. A fresh threat of war—nuclear war—is intensifying. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is heading straight to have a new Constitution take effect in 2020. He pushes on the policy of a largest scale military expansion since the end of World War II, such as retention of an aircraft carrier and etc. by consolidating U.S.-Japan Alliance, and is forcing through the construction of Henoko U.S. Base in Okinawa.
Campaigning for the “Reconstruction Olympics”, Abe administration acts as if the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident never happened and forcibly accelerating the move to restart nuclear power plants. What is also patently obvious here is that the attempt of the revision of the Constitution by destroying Article 9 would definitely trigger the nuclear armaments and war. It is time to voice our anger with the atomic bomb survivors, the Hibakusha, more and more loudly against nuke and war.
In these serious circumstances, however, Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui said, “August 6 is the day to pray silently.” and demands the use of loudspeakers to be forbidden, introducing the ordinance for its purpose. He also intends to oppress and obstruct our rally and demonstration which will be held in front of the “Atomic Bomb Dome” on August 6 by means of deploying police force and letting right-wing nationalists violently suppress our action.
August 6 and 9 are the days to express our anger against nuclear and war that have killed hundreds of thousands of people. On these “days of struggle”, we declare to the whole world that we should never again see people become victims of war.
Abe continues to refuse take state responsibility for war and radiation exposure. He also opposes the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in order to pave the way to the Constitutional revision and the restart of nuclear power plants, and then to rush for a fresh war—nuclear war. It is absolutely natural that the Hibakusha (A-bomb victims) and their second generations are at the head to voice our anger against Abe. We will never allow Abe to silence Hiroshima to his ambition of Constitutional revision and war.
Let’s follow the education workers’ Declaration of 100 Teachers in Hiroshima, “No revision of Constitution”!
 On Aug. 6 Hiroshima Grand Action last year we declared that the united power of workers across national borders, who oppose war and wish a fundamental change of the society, can definitely stop nuclear war. And we have been developing the movement to stop the constitutional revision and the rush to war and strengthening international solidarity in workplaces and regions across the country.
 The Japanese national anthem “Kimigayo” is a song stirring up that the generation of Emperor will last forever. On the public school ceremonies teachers and pupils are obliged to stand up and sing “Kimigayo” by the directive of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. In Hiroshima, many teachers have been fighting against “Kimigayo” and denouncing the administrative punishment of opposing teachers. They are also active organizers of Aug. 6 Hiroshima Grand Action. Recently over 100 teachers including the above teachers issued “Declaration of 100 teachers in Hiroshima”.
On Aug. 5 this year, “No Constitutional Revision! Stop War! Teachers’ National Rally in Hiroshima” will be held sponsored by the movement “100 Teachers’ Declaration.”

Let’s strengthen international solidarity activity to succeed 44 years’ struggle of Hoshino!
In prison, Fumiaki Hoshino was a prolific painter. His works have been exhibited by Hoshino Defense Committee and its various regional chapters around the country. International solidarity with colleagues in Taegu, South Korea struggling together in Hiroshima was materialized in Fumiaki and Akiko Hoshino’s exhibition of paintings and lyrics held in Taegu City in January this year. It was remembered that Hoshino fought for people in Okinawa against US bases and war in 1971’struggle, the cause of his imprisonment.  
Innocent activist Fumiaki Hoshino who had been seeking retrial was killed in prison on May 30 at the age of 73 by Japanese state power after 44 years’ life behind bars.
Hoshino’s struggle against war, nuke and military base will continue on our fight. To respond to  Hoshino’s last wishes, we will hold Aug. 6 Hiroshima Grand Action this year as international solidarity activity.

“Workers March to Stop Revision of the Constitution and War” has been promoted all over the country. In line with this, the struggle against forcible radiation exposure in Fukushima and restart of nuclear power plants, and the fight by Doro-Mito against radiation exposed-work have been tenaciously advancing.    
Until 2020, the year of planned Tokyo Olympic Games, JR is intending to resume all its Joban Line which passes close to the wrecked Fukushima Daiich Nuclear Power Plant. With repeated strikes to refuse radiation exposed-work, Doro-Mito workers and other railway union workers have been fighting to prevent this scheme.
 It is time to bring together angry voices into a great source of strength against constitutional revision, restart of nuclear power plants, nuclear armament and war. Let’s keep on fighting together to the victory of Aug. 6 Hiroshima Grand Action. 

■AUG.5(MON): International Anti-war, Anti-nuke Rally
 in Aster Plaza, Hall  17:00~19:30 (Opening 16:30)
     4-17, Kakomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City

■AUG.6 (TUE)
Aug. 6 Hiroshima Appeal in front of A-Bomb Dome  7:15~8 :15
Silent prayer at the moment of the atomic bombing  8:15
Demonstration to impeach Prime minister Abe at the official ceremony  8:20~9:00
Aug. 6 Hiroshima Rally in Hiroshima prefectural Sports Center, Sub Arena  12:30
No War-No Nuke, Hiroshima March  15:00



 7月20日、8・6ヒロシマ大行動実行委員会が主催して、「平和記念式典のあり方と拡声器規制について考える」と題する公開討論会を行いました。 パネリストは、被爆2世の中島健さん、音楽評論家の東琢磨さん、「改憲・戦争阻止!広島教職員100人声明」呼びかけ人の平野綾子さん、広島市職員の福井利明さんの4名です。ほかにも、松井・広島市長や拡声器規制の中心を担わされている市民活動推進課などに出席を要請しましたが、「中立性に疑問」「市民への周知が不十分」などの理由で欠席でした。しかし、被爆2世の方・原水禁運動関係者・大学教員・弁護士・マスコミ関係者に加え、保守系の広島市議が参加してくださったこともあり、「8・6を私たちはどういう日として迎えるべきか」「〈慰霊の心〉と〈反戦反核の訴え〉は、対立するかしないか」等をめぐって、様々な意見が飛び交う真剣な討論会となり、本当に画期的なものになったと思います。








音楽評論家の東琢麿(ひがし たくま)さんが決まりました!

 東琢磨, 川本隆史 | 2018/10/10

 東 琢磨 | 2014/6/1

東 琢麿| 2007/7/1





 公開討論会 7月20日(土)13:00~15:00 




 松井市長あての「意見書」を引き続き集めています! 拡声器条例リーフレットと一緒に活用してください。集約先は、8・6ヒロシマ大行動実行委員会です。
